The hideaway has literally been created through a combination of precision engineering, a new generation of recycled products and good old Mother Nature herself. The hideaway isn’t just a structure or just a mound of soil. It’s a precisely-designed Hideaway Undermound Build System (HUBS). The hideaway is a robust, high-quality product that will have a longer lifespan than many other accommodation solutions.
The hideaway’s rooms are created using steel frameworks which are clad in boarding and specially waterproofed. The foundation system has been developed to use 100% recycled products. The insulation and partial drainage system is primarily made from recycled material. This combines with our soil retention system to decrease lateral loading on the structure and keep water away. The structure is then mounded over with the use of a green roof and retained soil.
Our HUBS is unique because;
- We have designed out as many non-sustainable materials as possible. We hope in time it will evolve to become 100% sustainable.
- The building is totally protected from the elements so the materials used shouldn’t deteriorate as they do when they are exposed to the weather, UV and freeze thaw.
- The thermal efficiency of the hideaway is so good, it is virtually passive.
- The buildings are protected from extreme winds, creating safe havens.
- Manufactured and built in the UK, transport and distribution has been minimised — further reducing our carbon footprint.
- No other system creates more green space than it takes away!
- Building control-compliant
- A hideaway can be taken completely off grid.